Some women have unexplained infertility, or
problems with ovulation. In these cases the
ovaries can be artificially stimulated to produce
eggs. This is achieved using a combination of
drugs; a nasal spray followed by follicle
stimulating hormone injections.
The nasal spray is used to temporarily suppress
the natural activity of your cycle during your
treatment. Your response to the nasal spray will
be checked with a blood sample and a scan. When
your hormones are suppressed you will start daily
hormone injections. These injections may be
administered here, by your GP or Practice Nurse,
or by self-administration using an auto-injector.
Your response to these injections is monitored
by blood samples to check hormone levels, and by
transvaginal scanning to observe the ovarian
response. When you have reached the appropriate
stage of stimulation you are given an injection of
HCG. This injection will mature the eggs and
release them into the fallopian tubes. After 36-40
hours your intrauterine insemination will be
carried out. This is performed by injecting
prepared sperm in a fine catheter through your
cervix into the uterus. This procedure is very
similar to having a cervical smear.
You will be given pessaries for hormonal
support following your IUI, and a urine test will
be required 17 days after your HCG injection to
determine the outcome of your
treatment. |